Just make sure I'm around when you've finally got something to say.--Toad the Wet Sprocket

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Real Snow White

In the German town of Lohr am Main there back in the 18th century there lived a princess named Maria Sophie Margaretha Catharina von und zu Erthal whose father, Philipp Christoph, married Claudia Elizabeth after the death of her mother and it is said that her step-mother preferred her children from her previous marriage over Maria Sophie.  Maira Sophia was said to have been the nicest princess around who helped others, was an "angel of mercy and kindness", and "charitable toward the poor and suffering". Her husband gave her a mirror that was red with gold engraved glass ovals upon which are some words "Amour Propre" or self-love. Claudia Elizabeth was obsessed with her image and was always looking into the mirror.  The mirror was of such high quality that it was said to "speak the truth".

Claudia Elizabeth was so jealous of Maria that she forced her from the castle. It is not known what happened to her. However, in the region, there were men who worked in the mines.  The men who worked there were all small, likely due to malnutrion and the work they did in low mines. They were often referred to as dwarves.

What about the poisoned apple? The Lohr region is known for their apple orchards. There are also black cherries (Atropa belladonna) that can induce an anesthetic effect that mimics rigor mortis.  Also, in the area, there would have been glass works that could have been capable of making a glass coffin.  

We know this due to the years of research that was done and finally completed in 1986 by a German pharmacist and "fable researcher",  Karlheinz Bartels who believed there was more to the story of the mirror and a connection to the Grimm fairytale.  So, it seems that there really was a Snow White. But how much of the Grimm's or Disney tale is real is up to you to decide.  

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